Kitchen Clutter: How to take charge of your Chaotic Kitchen

January 15, 2014

Kitchen ClutterDo you desperately need to organise your kitchen but don’t know where to start or how to find the time?

You’re not alone! I decided to share some tips to show you how to declutter your kitchen by breaking the job down into smaller, more manageable steps.

As always the best place to start is to spend 10 minutes putting pen to paper and go through the R-E-V-A-M-P process  so you have an overall vision for how you want your organised kitchen to function! In summary the process is:

R –emember = how you want the space to function – what’s your dream!
E-valuate = what’s working, what’s not.
V-alue = what items (appliances, equipment) are most important to you?
A-ssign = where will things live based on how you use and need them? We are looking for zones where you can group tasks (e.g. baking zone, cooking etc)
M-aintain = what can you do on a regular basis to keep it that way?
P-arty = what will you do to celebrate? TOTALLY my favourite step!

Putting pen to paper lets you think through how you want things to function in your kitchen BEFORE you go to Howard’s Storage World or Ikea to buy storage containers. You need to think about what you love and hate AND see what you actually use.

So once you’ve put pen to paper then you can then:

  1. Look back at what you wrote down in the V-alue step. THOSE ARE THE THINGS YOU NEED TO KEEP!  The rest – not so much!
  2. Pick ONE end to start at and choose ONE CUPBOARD to tackle every day – NO MORE!
  3. In each cupboard find the ‘clutter’ – those things you KNOW you no longer want or use. This could be anything from items that are chipped, broken or rusty.

Decluttering those items will create space in your kitchen cupboards. When you do get a couple of hours spare you can start reorganising into zones those things you WANT to keep.  Starting small it is a good way to get started organising your kitchen.

Now, I would love to hear from you! In the comments below, tell me what are your tips for taking charge of kitchen clutter?  I would love to feature it in an upcoming collection!

If you’ve found this article of interest, please share it with your friends!  I really do appreciate you taking the time to read and share ;)

Louise xx

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